3 Tips to Survive (and THRIVE) at home-learning with your kids.

Who would have thought two weeks ago that a large majority of us would have been thrown into this new world of home learning. Yes, we are now teachers of math, science, music, reading, social studies and some subjects that our kids know more about than we do. 

Meet Joy Friend

(doesn't she have the best name!?!)

Joy is a business owner, a wife, a mom of 3 beautiful kids, one of our KEVA models, AND has home schooled her children for several year now. We've asked Joy to share a few tips and tricks on surviving and thriving in home schooling your children.
1. Don't try to replicate a traditional school environment in your home. Rigid schedules, raising hands and completing school work at a desk are all important and useful when you are teaching 20 children but at home they may actually make things unnecessarily stressful. My children have some of their most meaningful learning experiences in our backyard. Whether laying on a blanket studying the different types of clouds or sitting in their playhouse reading about a famous person in history. Savor the opportunity to teach your children this way.
2. Take advantage of subjects that can be taught to multiple ages in tandem. Science, history and geography for example can be taught to children of different ages all at the same time. My 3 children, ages 8,6, and 3 are all learning their US states and capitals together. Does a 3 year old understand the significance of a capital city? No, of course not but she can sing the states and capitals song with us and help mom point to the states on the map as we go along. Perhaps for science you engage in kitchen lab experiment where all ages can participate etc.  Little tricks like this will save you time and frustration when there are multiple kiddos involved.
3. Don't sweat the small stuff. There will be days when little ones are cranky or distracted and in those moments you may not get  through every item you had planned for the day and that's ok. Their future is not lost because your math lesson got cut short. There is always tomorrow. Remember that your children are human and so are you.
Let's stay connected and keep sharing creative ideas. We will get through this together. 
Kimberly + Eva 


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